Berlin, 4th March 2022, the common statement of BDA&DGB on the war in Ukraine has just been published. We attach infra a short excerpt in English.
The BDA and the DGB condemn Russia’s attack on Ukraine in the strongest terms. Russia is blatantly breaking international law. We support the sanctions imposed on Russia and Belarus.
The Ukrainian civilian population is particularly suffering from President Putin’s aggression. Our respect and support go to the the people of Ukraine and those in Russia who are critical of the president’s policies.
Europe must provide comprehensive humanitarian aid to the refugees. There are many initiatives that help with financial means, but also in kind of donations. We are impressed by how many people and companies are taking part in solidarity actions. Thus shows that humanity is alive in our society.
The BDA and the DGB support these initiatives, thank all those who are already helping and call on their members not to let up in their commitment.
It is still unclear how many refugees will reach Germany and how many will stay. The companies, works councils and staff councils are ready to play their part in taking in these people, training and educating them and integrating them into the labour market. In the past few years we have been able to gain experience with the reception of refugees. In the process, we have also learned that the procedures must be organised in a legally secure and unbureaucratic manner. We call on the Federal Government to create this framework.
Our political message remains clear: the Russian government must end the fighting immediately, agree to an immediate ceasefire and prevent any further escalation of the situation. Diplomatic solutions must be pursued at full speed
More information: here
Courtesy of: Prof. Rüdiger Krause, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen