We hereby present the results of the research conducted by Polish scientists of international scope or reach.
Mass influx of people from Ukraine: social entitlements and access to the labour market, 2024, Italian Labour Law e-Studies, I. Florczak, J.K. Adamski (eds.).
Mass influx of people from Ukraine: social entitlements and access to the labour market: Poland, I. Florczak, J.K. Adamski, in: I. Florczak, J. K. Adamski (eds.), Mass influx of people from Ukraine: social entitlementsand access to the labour market, 2024.
Fundamental Social Rights in European Union, M. Otto, F. Pennings, S. Peters, in: T. Jaspers, F. Pennings, S. Peters (eds.), European Labour Law 2nd Edition, 2024.
Collective Bargaining in European Union Law, T. Jaspers, Ł. Pisarczyk, in: T. Jaspers, F. Pennings, S. Peters (eds.), European Labour Law 2nd Edition, 2024.
Poland: Old and New Legal Concepts in the Changing World of Work, L. Mitrus, in: M. De Vos, G. Anderson, E. Verhulp (eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Technological Disruption in Labour and Employment Law, 2024.
Poland: Social Law and Social Security – Disproportionality to Demographic Challenges, M. Barański, in: N. Jakab (ed.), Sustainability of the Social Security System: Demographic Challenges and Answers in Central Europe, 2023.
Minimum income in old age: the case of Poland, L. Mitrus, in: S. Devetzi (ed.), Minimum Income in Old Age: a legal comparison of selected European countries, 2023.
AI for a More Human Friendly Workplace Recovery After COVID-19, M. Otto, B. ter Haar, in: T. Addabbo, E. Ales, Y. Curzi, T. Fabbri, O. Rymkevich, I. Sanatori (eds.), Work Beyond the Pandemic. Towards a Human-Centred Recovery, 2023.
The Right to Disconnect as a Tool to Tackle Inequalities Resulting from Remote Working, I. Miernicka, in: T. Addabbo, E. Ales, Y. Curzi, T. Fabbri, O. Rymkevich, I. Sanatori (eds.), Work Beyond the Pandemic. Towards a Human-Centred Recovery, 2023.
More Public? Did the Pandemic Influence the Paradigm of the Labour Relations?, I. Florczak, in: T. Addabbo, E. Ales, Y. Curzi, T. Fabbri, O. Rymkevich, I. Sanatori (eds.), Work Beyond the Pandemic. Towards a Human-Centred Recovery, 2023.
Poland, I. Florczak, M. Otto, A. Piszczek, in: O. Rymkevich, I. Senatori (eds.), Digital Employment and Industrial Relations in Europe, 2023.
“Bumpy way” to green transformation in Poland. Government passivity and search for solutions in labour law, M. Barański, K. Jaworska, A. Piszczek, in: D.B. Sariipek, V. Franca (eds.), Digital and Green Transition: New perspectives on work organization, 2023.
In-Work Poverty in Poland, M. Tomaszewska, A. Peplińska, in: L. Ratti (ed.) In-Work Poverty in Europe: Vulnerable and Under-Represented Persons in a Comparative Perspective, 2023.
Employee’s right to disconnect in the era of progressive use of ICT and remote work, K. Moras-Olaś, in: E. Menegatti (ed.), Law, Technology and Labour, 2023.
Reflections on the regulatory myopia in labour law in Poland, I. Florczak, M. Otto, in: F. Géa, B. Palli (eds.) L’avenir du droit du travail. Perspectives internationale et comparée, Bruylant 2023.
Discrimination and Employment Law International Legal Perspectives, J. Carby-Hall, Z. Góral, A. Tyc, 2023.
Poland: Employment Relationship from the Perspective of Individual, Collective Labor Law and EU Law, M. Barański, in: N. Jakab (ed.) Fundamentals of Labor Law in Central Europe, Miskolc–Budapest 2022.
Poland, L. Mitrus, in: B. Waas (ed.), Restatement of Labour Law in Europe. Volume III: Dismissal Protection, Beck, Hart, Nomos, 2022;
Role of the minimum wage in promoting decent work and reducing inequality in a cohesive society, K. Bomba, in: Iwona Florek, Ildiko Laki, Schottner Krisztina (eds.), Human Rights as a Guarantee of Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth, Milton Friedman University, Alcide De Gasperi University of Euroregional Economy, 2022.
The major risks to health and safety in employment relations in the information age, L. Mitrus, in: Maria do Rosário Palma Ramalho, Catarina Carvalho, Joana Nunes Vicente (eds.) Trabalho Na Era Digital: Que Direito? Work in a Digital Era: Legal Challenges, AAFDL Editoria, Lisboa, 2022.
Anti-Crisis Shields – Special Regulations of Labour Law and Social Law to Mitigate the Negative Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Poland, A. Górnicz-Mulcahy, A. Przybyłowicz, in: U. Becker, A Seemann (eds.), Protecting Livelihoods A Global Comparison of Social Law Responses to the COVID-19 Crisis, Nomos, 2022.
Kapitel 7B: Rechte der betroffenen Personen und aufsichtsbehördliche Befugnisse bei Verantwortlichen und Auftragsverarbeitern, die Geheimhaltungspflichten unterliegen, in Polen, A. Piszczek, in: D. Kugelmann, B. Łukańko (eds.), Nationale Spielräume im Datenschutzrecht. Polnische und deutsche Perspektiven zur Nutzung von Öffnungsklauseln der DS-GVO, Nomos, 2022.
Collectivity – An Original Feature of Labour Law, M. Włodarczyk, in: E. von Adamovich, M. Zernikow (eds.), Philosophical and Sociological Reflections on Labour Law in Times of Crisis,Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2022.
A few reflections on the significance of legal comparativism in a multicentric (legal) world, M.Otto, in: C. Marzo, E. Pataut, S. Robin-Olivier, G. Trudeau (eds.), Le droit social en dialogue. Mélanges en l’honneur de Marie-Ange Moreau Européanisation, mondialisation, croisements disciplinaires, 2022.
Enforcing EU Labour Law by Using Administrative Law Means, J. Unterschütz, in: Effective Enforcement of Labour Law, 2022, Z. Rasneca, A. Koukiadaki, N. Bruun, K. Lörcher (eds.)
Enforcement by Means of Criminal Law, J. Unterschütz, in: Effective Enforcement of Labour Law, 2022, Z. Rasneca, A. Koukiadaki, N. Bruun, K. Lörcher (eds.)
EU Collective Labour Law (B. ter Haar, A. Kun eds.)
- The right to strike as a fundamental right, P. Grzebyk
- The EU and transnational company agreements, B. ter Haar
- The influence of a transfer of undertaking on collective agreements and employee representation, Ł. Pisarczyk, K. Wieczorek
Privacy and personal data protection in the virtual teaching- regulations, risks and good practices, K. Naumowicz, in: Técnicas de innovación docente en Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social, 2021, A. Selma Penalva ed.)
Contemporary neo-luddism in the digital transformation of employment, K. Piwowarska, in: Artificial Intelligence and human rights, 2021, L.M. Martín, M. Załucki (eds.)
Artificial intelligence in the workplace through the prism of Article 8 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, M. Barański, in: Artificial Intelligence and human rights, 2021, L.M. Martín, M. Załucki (eds.)
Poland, L. Mitrus, in:Collective Bargaining for Self-Employed Workers in Europe, 2021, B. Waas, Ch. Hießl (eds.)
Massenentlassungen im polnischen Arbeitsrecht, L. Mitrus, in: Deutsch-polnische Rechtsgemeinschaft. Gemeinsam in Europa, gemeinsam für Europa, 2021, U. Fink, P.-C. Müller-Graff, K. Oplustil, P. Roguski (eds.)
Global Trade, Labour Rights and International Law. A Multilevel Approach, 2021, A. Tyc
Social security in Poland in times of corona, L. Mitrus, in: Social security in times of corona. A legal comparison of selected European countries, 2021,Stamatia Devetzi, Angelos Stergiou (eds.)
Digital Nomads on Polish Labour Market: Legal Situation, Risks and Expectations, K. Naumowicz, in: The Future of Work: Labour Law and Labour Market Regulation in the Digital Era, 2021, A. Perulli, T. Treu (eds.)
DIFERENCIAS DE SEXO-GÉNERO Y PRINCIPIO DE NO DISCRIMINACIÓN EN LA JURISPRUDENCIA DE LOS TRIBUNALES POLACOS, M. Rylski, in: Hacia un modelo de sexo-género de Igualdad en la diferencia, 2020 Á. Aparisi Miralles, E. Fernández Ruiz Gálvez (eds.)
Digital Nomads on Polish Labour Market: Legal Situation, Risks and Expectations,K. Naumowicz, in:The Future of Work: Labour Law and Labour Market Regulation in the Digital Era, 2020,A. Perulli, T.o Treu (eds.)
New Technologies and the Employee’s Right to Privacy, A. Rycak, in: Labour Law and the Gig Economy Challenges posed by the digitalisation of labour processes, 2020, J. Carby-Hall, L. Mella Méndez (eds.)
The Right to Holiday Leave under the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, L. Mitrus, in: Festschrift für Wolfgang Portmann, 2020, R. A. Müller, R. Rudolf, A. K. Schnyder, A. von Kaenel, B. Waas (eds.)
Working via the Internet versus lex loci laboris – fair competition?, M. Szypniewski, M. Zbucka-Gargas, in: Modern Forms of Work. A European Comparative Study, 2020, S. Bellomo, F. Ferraro (eds.)
Report on the State of Polish Legislation of Modern Forms of Work, K. Naumowicz, in: Modern Forms of Work. A European Comparative Study, 2020, S. Bellomo, F. Ferraro (eds.)
SME’s in Hungary and in Poland – a comparative analysis of legal and labor relations,G. Mélypataki, M. Barański, Z. Musinszki, K. Lipták, in: The Importance of SMEs as Innovators of Sustainable Inclusive Employment. New Evidence from Regional and Local Labour Markets, 2020, Ch. Larsen, J. Kipper, A. Schmid, M. Ricceri (eds.)
Structural characteristics and industrial relations in the pork value chain: the case of Poland, I. Florczak, M. Otto (et.al), in: Meat-up Ffire Fairness, freedom and industrial relations across Europe: up and down the meat value chain, 2020, P. Campanella, D. Dazzi (eds.)
New Forms of Employment. Current Problems and Future Challenges, J.Wratny, A.Ludera-Ruszel (eds.):
Rights and Entitlements of Child Care Givers in Autonomous Sources of Employment Law. The Employer’s Fad or the Labor Market Requirement?, K. Walczak
- Digital Labour Platforms: Dusk or Dawn of Labour Law?, J. Unterschütz
- Reflections on the Protection of Employment Relationship of Trade Unionists under the Amended Trade Unions Act, K.W. Baran, J. Czerniak-Swędzioł
- Employment of People with Disabilities in the Open Labour Market in Poland, M. Skóra
- Temporary Work as a Flexible Form of Employment, P. Antoszak
- A Teacher’s Employment by Appointment in the Context of Contemporary Labour Law Challenges, P. Matyjas-Łysakowska
- The Potential of EU in the Protection Against Discrimination of Workers in Non-standard Employment, A. Ludera-Ruszel
- Precarious Employment V. Atypical Employment in the EU, I. Florczak
- Temporary Employment and the Employment Relationship, L. Florek
- The Changing Nature of Labour Intermediation. Do Algorithms Redefine Temporary Agency Work?, N. Potocka-Sionek
- Flexibility in Employment. Chances and Threats from the Perspective of the Work-Life Balance Concept, A. Pietras
- Liberalizaton Without Major Reforms: The Destandarization of Employment Relations in Central Eastern European Countries, K. Muszyński
- General Remarks on Flexibility in Employment as the Determinant for Prolonging Working Life of Older People, T. Wrocławska
- The Limits of Expansion of Labour Law to Non-labour Forms of Employment- Comments de lege lata and de lege ferenda, T. Duraj
- New Forms of Employment. A Panoramic View of the Issues, J. Wratny
Posting of workers before Polish courts, M. Otto, in: Posting of workers before national courts, 2020, Z. Rasnača, M. Bernaciak (eds.)
Atypical Employment Relationships: The Position in Poland, L. Mitrus, in: Restatement of Labour Law in Europe. Volume II. Atypical Employment Relationships, 2020, B. Waas, G. H. van Voss (eds.)
The Lie as a Privacy Protection Measure, I. Florczak, M. Wujczyk, in: Performance Appraisal, in Modern Employment Relations. An Interdisciplinary Approach, 2020, T. Addabbo, E. Ales, Y. Curzi, T. Fabbri, O. Rymkevich, I. Senatori (eds.)
Arbeitnehmerentsendung nach der Richtlinie (EU) 2018/957 aus polnischer Sicht, L. Mitrus, in: Neues Arbeitnehmerentsenderecht, 2019, R. Giesen, A. Junker, V.Rieble (eds.)
Collective Bargaining in the Shadow of Legislation: Labour Law Sources in Poland; Ł. Pisarczyk, in: The Sources of Labour Law, 2019, T. Gyulavári, E. Menegatti (eds.)
The Concept of the 'Employment Relation’; J. Unterschütz, in: The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the Employment Relation, 2019, F. Dorssemont, K. Lörcher, S. Clauwaert, M. Schmitt (eds.)
Article 5 – Prohibition of Slavery and Forced Labour; N. Brunn, J. Unterschütz, in: The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the Employment Relation, 2019, F. Dorssemont, K. Lörcher, S. Clauwaert, M. Schmitt (eds.)
The European Social Dialogue in the Road Transport Sector; M. Tomaszewska, M. Szypniewski, in: Cross-Border Employment and Social Rights in the EU Road Transport Sector, 2019, B. Bednarowicz, A. Zwanenburg (eds.)
Polish Collective Employment Law, 2019, K.W. Baran (ed.)
Collective bargaining in Poland: a near-death experience, J. Czarzasty, in: Collective bargaining in Europe, 2019, T. Müller, K. Vandaele, J. Waddington (eds.),
Precarious Work. The Challenge for Labour Law in Europe, 2019, J. Kenner, I. Florczak, M. Otto (eds.)
Principles of Polish Labour Law, 2018, K.W. Baran (ed.)
The Legal Position of Persons Dependent on Long-Term Care in the Republic of Poland, in: Long-term care in Europe, U. Becker, H. J. Reinhard (ed.), 2018, A. Przybyłowicz
General Data Protection Regulation, in: International and European Labour Law. A commentary, E. Ales, M. Bell, O. Deinert, S. Robin-Olivier (eds.), 2018, M.Otto
Art. 8 EUCFR, in: International and European Labour Law. A commentary, E. Ales, M. Bell, O. Deinert, S. Robin-Olivier (eds.), 2018, M.Otto
Labour law disputes in Polish legal system, 2017, K.W. Baran (ed.)
Legal methods for combating unemployment among older people, 2017, M. Paluszkiewicz, T. Wrocławska, M. Włodarczyk (open access)
Restatement of Labour Law in Europe Vol I: The Concept of Employee, 2017, B. Waas, G. Heerma van Voss (eds.), E. Bakirtzi, M. Otto (ass. eds.)
Outline of Polish Labour Law System, 2016, K.W. Baran (edit)
The Right to Privacy in Employment. A Comparative Analysis, 2016, M. Otto
Labour Law in Poland, 2016, Z. Hajn, L. Mitrus
Trade unions and non-union employee representation in Europe – the current state of play and prospects for the future, 2016, J.C. Hall, M. Rycak (eds.)
Mobbing in the workplace. Causes, consequences and preventive measure, 2016, in: Mobbing respect to legal, economic and social. Mobbing in the legal perspective, Z. Majkut, A. Schneiderova (eds.), K. Jaworska
Developments in Labour Law from a Comparative Perspective, 2015, I. Florczak, Z. Góral (eds.)
Adapting the Polish labour law to the EU law in the subject of working time, 2014, in: Implementation and Enforcement of EU Labour Law in the Visegrad Countries, Viktor Križan (eds.); M. Barański
The Right to Strike in Poland, 2014, in: The Right to Strike – A Comparative View, Bernd Waas (ed.), P. Grzebyk
The subjective and objective scope of information on unemployment benefits, 2013, in: Communication as a Measure of Protection and Limitation of Human Rights. Information in Relation to Human Rights, M. Patakyova and others (eds.), K. Jaworska
The subjective and objective scope of information on unemployment benefits, 2013, in: Communication as a Measure of Protection and Limitation of Human Rights. Information in Relation to Human Rights, M. Patakyova and others (eds.), K. Jaworska
Protection against unemployment- flexicurity the Polish way, 2012, in: Wykorzystywanie człowieka w XX i XXI wieku, B. Sitek, G. Dammacco, D. Barańska, K. Naumowicz, K. Zaworska (eds.), K. Jaworska
Social Exclusion within Polish Legislative Initiatives, 2011, in: Human rights, Spiritual Values and Global Economy, B. Sitek, J. Szerbowski, A. Bauknecht, G. Dammacco (eds.), K. Jaworska
The missed opportunity of Poland’s implementation of parental leave provisions, M. Latos-Miłkowska, European Labour Law Journal, 2025
Perspective: The mirage of Europeanising industrial relations. What possibilities for East-West trade union cooperation?, B. Surdykowska, S. Adamczyk, Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 2024
Automated Processing of Data on Work Performance and Employee Evaluation: A Case Study of Practices at Amazon Warehouses in Poland, M. Rozmysłowicz, P. Krzyżaniak, Italian Labour Law E-Journal Vol. 16 No. 2, 2023
Trade union control over the use of artificial intelligence in employment in Polish labour law, M. Latos-Miłkowska, Hungarian Labour Law E-Journal 2023/2
Voluntariness of Employees’ Consent to the Processing of Personal Data Legal, Psychological, and Organizational Aspects, A. Górnicz-Mulcahy, M. Lewandowicz-Machnikowska, T. Grzyb, Hungarian Labour Law E-Journal 2023/2
Populist Reforms in Hungary and Poland: Same Song, Different Melodies, T. Gyulavári, Ł. Pisarczyk, International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations Vol. 39 (2023) Issue 1
The Rise of Populism and Its Impact on Labour Law, Social Law and Social Policy, P. Grzebyk, International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations Vol. 39 (2023) Issue 1
Defining working time versus rest time: An analysis of the recent CJEU case law on stand-by time, L. Mitrus, „European Labour Law Journal“, Vol. 14, No. 1/2023
Are self-employed “zombies” more important than classic workers? A few comments on the Polish approach to supporting labour market during the COVID-19 pandemic, S. Adamczyk, B. Surdykowska, Diritti Lavori Mercati 1/2023
Does care matter – The Principles of The Polish Labor Law versus Care Practices, B. Godlewska-Bujok, K. Walczak, Italian Labour Law e-Journal, 16/1/2023
The right to unionise in Poland after the amendment of the law on trade unions, M. Latos-Miłkowska, „European Labour Law Journal“, Vol. 14, No. 1/2023
Studia Iuridica – vol. 95/ 2022:
- M. Barański – Employment flexibility in times of crisis
- I. Gredka-Ligarska – Employment stability in times of the COVID crisis: A case of legal instruments introduced by the Polish legislator
- B. Mądrzycki, Ł. Pisarczyk – The impact of the pandemic on collective relations in Poland
Exploring the Model of Legal Consciousness Formation Among Foreigners Working in Poland. Preliminary Insights, J. K. Adamski, I. Florczak, Studia Migracyjne-Przegląd Polonijny 3/2022
Minimum Wage Fixing Mechanisms in the EU Member States: A Comparative Overview in the Light of the Draft Directive on Adequate Minimum Wages, K. Bomba, Journal of the University of Latvia. Law”, No. 15, 2022, s. 137-153.
The role of trade unions in sport – the essence, features and perspectives, M. Matuszak,Journal of Education, Health and Sport.2022; 12(10)
Entsenderecht zwischen Arbeitnehmerschutz und Protektionismus. Urteil des Europäischen Gerichtshofs vom 8.12.2020 – Rechtssachen Ungarn/Parlament und Rat und Polen/Parlament und Rat, L. Mitrus, “Europäische Zeitschrift für Arbeitsrecht” 2/2022
Military Unionism from the Perspective of International Law: Between National Security and Freedom of Association, J. Gołaś, International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, Volume 38, Issue 3 (2022) pp. 299 – 330.
De-gigging the labour market? An analysis of the ‘algorithmic management’ provisions in the proposed Platform Work Directive, Antonio Aloisi, N. Potocka-Sionek, Italian Labour Law e-Journal Issue 1, Vol. 15(2022).
A step towards digital self- & co-determination in the context of algorithmic management systems, M. Otto, Italian Labour Law e-Journal Issue 1, Vol. 15(2022).
Collective voice in fixing minimum wages: social partners’ participation from the ILO and EU perspectives, K. Bomba, Italian Labour Law e-Journal Issue 1, Vol. 15(2022).
The Polish Women’s Strike, abortion, and the right to strike, P. Grzebyk,
Italian Labour Law e-Journal Issue 1, Vol. 15(2022).
The remote working model for Polish labour law,Ł. Kobroń-Gąsiorowska, Italian Labour Law e-Journal Issue 1, Vol. 15(2022).
How much autonomy in autonomous work? Legal status and social protection of ‘freelancers’ in Poland , K. Naumowicz, “Italian Labour Law e-Journal”, Vol. 14 No. 2 (2021)
Issues of awards given as a part of social arbitration in a collective dispute. De lege lata and de lege ferenda remarks, M. Jarota, Review of European and Comparative Law, 27.01.2022
The Requirement of Employment under an Employment Relationship in Public Procurement and the Protective Function of the Labour Law, M. Moras, Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Volume 28 (2021), Zeszyt 4
Naïve or Realistic? The Approach of Polish Trade Unions to the Strengthening of the Social Dimension of the EU Integration, S. Adamczyk, B. Surdykowska, Hungarian Labour Law E-Journal 2/2021
The Problem of External Whistleblowing from the Perspective of a Country without Specific Legislation – Poland, Ł. Kobroń-Gąsiorowska, Hungarian Labour Law E-Journal 2/2021
Academic teacher’s work in the face of contemporary challenges – interdisciplinary considerations, Praca i Zabezpieczenie Społeczne 10/2021, J. Czerniak-Swędzioł, E. Kumor-Jezierska, P. Sekuła, E. Krzaklewska, M. Warat
Pursuit of equality as the essence of labour law, Praca i Zabezpieczenie Społeczne 09/2021, E. Maniewska
Employer’s right to ban unvaccinated (COVID-19) employees from the workplace in Israel and Poland, Praca i Zabezpieczenie Społeczne 08/2021, Y. Ilany, M. Skąpski
Accessibility – One of the Human Rights or the Means of Their Implementation; Prawo i Więź – nr 3 (37) 2021, K. Roszewska
The legal status of trade unions that associate workers employed under civil law contracts and trade union officials in Poland, Praca i Zabezpieczenie Społeczne 05/2021, K.W. Baran
Employee geolocation versus the GDPR, Praca i Zabezpieczenie Społeczne, Praca i Zabezpieczenie Społeczne 04/2021, K. Stefański
Suspension or limitation of contributions for the employee pension plans (PPE) in Poland, Praca i Zabezpieczenie Społeczne 03/2021, I. Sierocka
Paradigm of subordinate work versus remote work, Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Volume 28 (2021), Zeszyt 3, T. Duraj
Some remarks to the legal status of platform workers in the light of the latest European jurisprudence, Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Volume 28 (2021), Zeszyt 3, K. Naumowicz
A declaration of permanent incapacity to serve as a condition for compulsory dismissal of a police officer from service, Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Volume 28 (2021), Zeszyt 3, Ż. Grygiel-Kaleta
The Individual and Collective Meaning of the Notion of Employer in Polish Legal System, Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Volume 28 (2021), Zeszyt 2, K.W. Baran
Contributions for the PPK during Economic Shutdown, Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Volume 28 (2021), Zeszyt 2, I. Sierocka
The right to strike in the Education Sector in Light of Constitutional Provisions and International Legal Obligations, Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Volume 28 (2021), Zeszyt 2, A. Bocheńska
The development of Whistleblowing Laws in the United States and Europe (de lege ferenda remarks), Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Volume 28 (2021), Zeszyt 2, Ł. Kobroń-Gąsiorowska
Prevention of Employee’s Mental Health and Employment Law, Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Volume 28 (2021), Zeszyt 2, M. Bosak-Sojka
“Dispersed” Public Authority in Labour Law: Systematic Dilemmas in Law Continued, Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Volume 28 (2021), Zeszyt 1, A. Musiała
Impact of Income on Life Expectancy: A Challenge for the Pension Policy, Risk no. 9/2021, D. Walczak, J. Wantoch-Rekowski, R. Marczak
Everyone who works should be guaranteed decent working conditions,
Hungarian Labour Law E-Journal 1/2021, A.M. Świątkowski
Remote Work During COVID-19 Pandemic and the Right to Disconnect – Implications for Women´s Incorporation in the Digital World of Work, A. Franconi, Z Problematyki Prawa Pracy i Polityki Socjalne K. Naumowicz
COVID-19 pandemic, censorship and Labour Law protection in Poland – selected issues , e-Revista Internacional de la Protección Social, 2021, Vol. VI, Nº 1, Ł. Kobroń-Gąsiorowska
The Impact of the Directive on Adequate Minimum Wages in the European Union on Polish Labour Law, Italian Labour Law e-Journal; Issue 1, Vol. 14(2021), B. Surdykowska, Ł. Pisarczyk
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Iuridica – Vol. 95 (2021): Collective Labour Law or Collective Employment Law? Protection of the rights and collective interests of persons engaged in gainful employment outside the employment relationship. Second National Scientific Conference on ”Atypical Employment Relations”
- Collective Rights of Persons Engaged in Gainful Employment Outside the Employment Relationship – an Outline of the Issue (T. Duraj)
- The Concept of Employer and the Extension of the Subjective (Ratione Personae) Scope of Collective Labour Law (Z. Hajn)
- Open Coalition Law, Necessity or Threat? (B. Mądrzycki)
- The Issue of Representativeness in the Lights of the Amended Trade Unions Act (I. Sierocka)
- Will ‘Yellow’ Unions Disappear After the Amendment to Act on Trade Unions? (M. Rycak)
- Come Together Now! New Technologies and Collective Representation of Platform Workers (J. Unterschütz)
- The Right to Strike and Other Forms of Protest of Persons Performing Gainful Employment Under Civil Law (A. Tomanek)
- Powers of Trade Union Activists Engaged in Self-Employment – Assessment of Polish Legislation (T. Duraj)
- The Legal Nature of Remuneration for Periods of Release From the Obligation to Perform Work for Trade Union Activists (M. Mędrala)
- Whistleblower Rights and Protection in The Workplace: the Role of Trade Unions in Poland Selected Issues (Ł. Kobroń-Gąsiorowska)
- Staff Representation Rights Related to The Creation Of Employee Capital Plans (PPK) (M. Krajewski)
- Collective Labour Rights of Self-Employed Persons on the Example of Spain: is There any Lesson for Poland? (A. Tyc)
The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Whistle-blower Protection in Poland,
ILAW NETWORK The Global Labour Rights Reporter Volume I, Issue 1 | January 2021, Ł. Kobroń Gąsiorowska
Collective Bargaining for Platform Workers: a Hope for new Developments?,(Hungarian Labour Law E-Journal 2/2020, J. Unterschütz
Wrong Direction: Different Retirement Ages for Men and Women in the Polish Justice System, International Labor Rights Case Law, Volume 6 (2020): Issue 3 (Nov 2020), I. Florczak
Poland on the path towards whistleblower protection, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, September 2020, Ł. Kobroń-Gąsiorowska
COVID – 19 and Labour Law: Poland, 2020, Italian Labour Law e – Journal Special Issue 1, Vol. 13 (2020), I. Florczak
Risk of Incapacity for Work in the Polish Constitution, Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Volume 27 (2020), Issue 2, K. Roszewska
The US’s and the EU’s Generalised System of Preferences: A Comparison in the Context of Workers’ Rights, Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Volume 27 (2020), Issue 2, A. Tyc
Work-life balance among athletes, Acta Iuris Stetinensis 4/2020, Acta Iuris Stetinensis 4/2020, M. Matuszak
Corporate social responsibility instruments and their impact on labour rights, Acta Iuris Stetinensis 1/2020, A.Tyc
Regards comparés sur le droit social à l`é preuve du covid-19, Revue de Droit du Travail, 04.2020, Ł. Pisarczyk (et.al.)
COVID – 19 and Labour Law: Poland, Italian Labour Law e – Journal Special Issue 1, Vol. 13 (2020), I. Florczak
Selected Instruments of Collective Labour Law in the Light of the European Social Charter (Revised), the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, the ILO Conventions and the European Pillar of Social Rights, Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Volume 27 (2020), Issue 1, J. Unterschütz
Peripheralisation of Migrant Workforce in Poland: Inbetween Policy Paths and Regulatory Approaches, Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Volume 27 (2020), Issue 1, I. Florczak, M. Otto
The Legal Status of an Intercompany Trade Union Following Amendments to the Trade Union Act: Selected Issues, Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Volume 27 (2020), Issue 1, M. Latos-Miłkowska
The Right of Persons Employed in Polish Public Services to Association in Trade Unions, Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Volume 27 (2020), Issue 1, K.W. Baran
The Statutory Model of the Powers of a Company Trade Union Organization and a Law in Action, Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Volume 27 (2020), Issue 1, J. Piątkowski, B. Rutkowska
On the Fundamental Human Rights Problems of a “Working Man” in Poland: Few Reflections, Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Volume 27 (2020), Issue 1, A. Musiała
Potential implications of the Matzak judgment (quality of rest time, right to disconnect), European Labour Law Journal Vol. 10, No. 4/2019, L. Mitrus
The problem of solidarity between persons insured in sickness insurance, and the reasons for ZUS verification of the amount of remuneration for work as the basis for contribution and benefit calculation, Ubezpieczenia Społeczne. Teoria i praktyka 2/2019, Sz. Kasprowski
Solidarity in farmers’ social insurance, Ubezpieczenia Społeczne. Teoria i praktyka 2/2019, H. Pławucka
The role of solidarity in accident insurance, Ubezpieczenia Społeczne. Teoria i praktyka 2/2019, D. Dzienisiuk
Solidarity in sickness insurance – selected issues, Ubezpieczenia Społeczne. Teoria i praktyka 2/2019, A. Przybyłowicz
Cost of pensions to be borne in solidarity (principle of social insurance solidarity), Ubezpieczenia Społeczne. Teoria i praktyka 2/2019, R. Pacud
Social solidarity in pension insurance, Ubezpieczenia Społeczne. Teoria i praktyka 2/2019, U. Kalina-Prasznic
The scope of risk community solidarity, Ubezpieczenia Społeczne. Teoria i praktyka 2/2019, K. Antonów
An entrepreneur as an employer in the Polish legal system, Praca i Zabezpieczenie Społeczne 11/2019, M.Barański
Precarisation of employment of third country nationals in Poland in the light of Guy Standing`s concept, Praca i Zabezpieczenie Społeczne 9/2019, I. Florczak
Employee’s consent as an instrument for shaping his legal position, Praca i Zabezpieczenie Społeczne 8/2019, M. Lewandowicz-Machnikowska, A. Górnicz-Mulcahy
Overview of recent cases before the European Court of Human Rights (March 2019 – July 2019), European Journal of Social Security, September 2019, M. Wujczyk
Adapt or perish: Recent developments on social protection in the EU under a gig deal of pressure, European Labour Law Journal Vol. 9, No. 4/2018, A. Aranguiz, B. Bednarowicz
“Workforce Analytics” v Fundamental Rights Protection in the EU in the Age of Big Data, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, M. Otto
Benefits Connected with the Development of Professional Qualifications by Employees and the Social Policy of the State on the Example of the Regulations of the Polish Labour Code, „E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies”, M. Mędrala
The Crisis of the Collective Bargaining System in Poland, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE LABOUR LAW AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS, 35/2019, Ł. Pisarczyk
The Concept and Entitlements of the Unemployed with Disabilities, Białostockie Studia Prawnicze, 2018 vol. 23 nr 4, K. Jaworska
Fixed term nature of the grounds for legalization of employment of foreigners in the context of fixed time employment contracts in Poland, Hungarian Labour Law E-Journal, 2/2018, M. Mędrala
Precarious work of migrant workers. The example of Ukrainians in Poland in the light of regulations of (R)ESC, Hungarian Labour Law E-Journal, 1/2018, I. Florczak, M. Wujczyk
Strike Restrictions in Contemporary Polish Labour Law, Hungarian Labour Law E-Journal, 1/2018, A.M. Świątkowski
Labor impact of technological devices in Poland, Comparative Labor Law Dossier, 2/2018, M. Barański
Some remarks on the extraordinary complaint against the valid judicial decisions in civil proceedings pertaining to cases within the subject-matter and scope of labour law, Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Volume 25 (2018), Zeszyt 4, A. Olaś, K. Moras-Olaś
Labour law and civil law liability for strike and/or other industrial action, Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Volume 25 (2018), Zeszyt 2, K.W. Baran
Psychological and Historical Overview of Trade Unions, Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Volume 25 (2018), Zeszyt 1, I. Florczak
Restrictions on the right to information in the activity of works councils, Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Volume 24 (2017), Zeszyt 3, K.W. Baran
Work protection of persons with disabilities, Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Volume 24 (2017), Zeszyt 2, M. Lewandowicz-Machnikowska
Working above contractual hours in the case of part-time employees, Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Volume 24 (2017), Zeszyt 2, M. Mędrala
The position of workers in the on-demand economy: The need for increased protection, Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Volume 24 (2017), Zeszyt 1, A. Tyc
About the need for further changes of the legal status in respect of a contract of employment for a specified period of time – critical remarks in the light of amendments of the Labour Code of 25 June 2015, Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Volume 24 (2017), Zeszyt 1, B. Bury
企业分支机构所涉劳动纠纷的管辖权争议与解决路径——以波兰最高法院判决为例, ”中国应用法学“ („China Review of Administration of Justice”) 2017, nr 2, P. Grzebyk
Free Movement of Labour – A Polish Perspective, Hungarian Labour Law E-Journal, 1/2016, A. M. Świątkowski
Justifications of the right to strike: from the rule of force to the rule of law, Hungarian Labour Law E-Journal, 1/2016, P. Grzebyk
Polish labour law: the impact of the economic crisis and demographic problems, Hungarian Labour Law E-Journal, 1/2016, D. Skupień, M. Łaga, Ł. Pisarczyk
The impact of the Act of September 10, 2015 amending some statues in connection with the promotion of amicable dispute resolution methods on the separate proceedings in cases within the subject-matter and scope of labour law – selected issues, Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Vol. 23, 2016, A. Olaś, K. Moras-Olaś
Right to a fair trial in labour disputes in the light of the Polish Constiution, Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Vol. 23, 2016, K.W. Baran
The future of labour law in Poland – selected issues, Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Vol. 23, 2016, Z. Góral, K. Bomba
The Right to Social Security in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), 2016, Vol. 23, M. Wujczyk
Collective Bargaining and Collective Agreements: International and European Legal Standards, Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), 2015, Vol. 22, P. Swacha
Collective Agreements in Poland, Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), 2015, Vol. 22, A.M. Świątkowski
The Right to privacy in employment. In search of European Model of Protection,European Labour Law Journal Nr 4/2015., M.Otto
The regulations on the deduction from remuneration for work in the Polish Labour Code as one of elements remuneration-protection system, Praca i Zabezpieczenie Społeczne 8/2014, M. Soćko
Employee Responsibility under the Polish Law, Praca i Zabezpieczenie Społeczne 7/2014, Ł. Pisarczyk