Bartłomiej Bednarowicz

Dr Bartłomiej Bednarowicz is a Researcher at the Government and Law Research Group at the Faculty of Law of the University of Antwerp
He is a law graduate from the University of Lodz (Poland), where he obtained a master of laws diploma with the highest final grade being very good (2015). He also possesses a postgraduate diploma in the International and European Legal Studies Programme (IELSP) from the University of Antwerp (2013), for which he was awarded the first-class result on top of magna cum laude distinction. He was also the President of the European Law Students’ Association at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz (2014/2015). He wrote his master’s thesis in the field of EU Competition Law on the topic of Private Enforcement of EU Competition Law, for which he received an excellent result. He is also an awardee of various scholarships for his outstanding academic achievements (University of Lodz and Mayor of Lodz).
His field of research at the University of Antwerp focuses on the non-standard forms of work and digitalisation of labour in the so-called gig economy within the legal framework of European Union employment, equality and internal market law. He wrote and defended his PhD thesis entitled Platform-mediated work in the gig economy through the lens of the EU social acquis (2019) under the supervision of prof. dr. Herwig Verschueren and prof. dr. Daniël Cuypers. He also served as a teaching assistant for a class on Legal Issues of International Employment and was engaged in an Erasmus + Project 'SENSE’ on the applicability of laws in EU cross-border road transport sector. In 2019-2020, he was stagiaire at the European Commission, Directorate-General Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (Working Conditions Unit).
He is currently engaged as Labour Mobility Officer at the European Labour Authority.
Industrial law journal – ISSN 0305-9332 – 48:4(2019), p. 604-623
Doctoral Thesis, Antwerp, 2019, 384 p.
Cross-border employment and social rights in the EU road transport sector / Bednarowicz Bartłomiej et al. (eds.) – ISBN 978-94-6236-964-1 – The Hague, Eleven International Publishing, 2019, p. 113-150
ISBN 978-94-6236-964-1 – The Hague, Eleven International Publishing, 2019, 182 p.
Bednarowicz Bartłomiej
EU law analysis blog – (2019.04.24)
Adapt or perish : recent developments on social protection in the EU under a gig deal of pressure
Aranguiz Ane, Bednarowicz Bartłomiej
European Labour Law Journal – ISSN 2399-5556 – 9:4(2018), p. 329-345
’Uberyzacja zatrudnienia’ – praca w gospodarce współdziałania w świetle prawa UE
Bednarowicz Bartłomiej
Monitor prawa pracy ISSN 1731-8165 – 2(2018), p. 13-19
Lang Leve Uber: arbeid in de gig-economie in het licht van het Europees Unierecht
Bednarowicz Bartłomiej
Journal des tribunaux du travail – ISSN 0778-9009 – 1301:7(2018), p. 97-101
Bednarowicz Bartłomiej
European employment law cases – ISSN 1877-9107 – 1(2018), p. 74-76
Bednarowicz Bartłomiej
European employment law cases – ISSN 1877-9107 – 1(2018), p. 43
Uber drivers found to be workers (UK) – Comment from an EU/academic perspective
Bednarowicz Bartłomiej
European employment law cases – ISSN 2468-4503 – 1(2017), p. 40-40